Another furniture purchase

I fell so much in love with the Drexel Declaration coffee table that when I saw the matching credenza for sale on Ebay, I made an offer and got it. I received it just before Xmas and what a present this was! It is in incredible condition!

This was supposed to be for our guest room but it is such a beautiful piece, we just may have to put it in the master bedroom.

Michelle Egide

Michelle Egide

Welcome to The Napa Project, where I write about our five year remodel of a mid century home in Napa, California.

3 thoughts on “Another furniture purchase

  1. Hi, I just found your blog and am just delighted. I am originally from Marin/Sonoma and frequently suffer from homesickness, so your lovely photos are very comforting. I also enjoy mid century design, having grown up with it! I look forward to seeing the house transformation and many more beautiful photos of the area.

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