Measuring and more measuring.

I’m am now starting to grasp just how much and how many people are involved in a home remodel. On Wednesday we had a stream of people to meet with in and out of the house.

Guy Ayers is going to be our architect. Guy has a lot of experience with mid century homes and remodeling them in the SF Bay Area. And it turns out, he is a fellow Canadian! His website showcases some of his work and we were impressed by all of the remodels that look modern, yet without that cold feel I get from so many contemporary homes. They all look warm and inviting – exactly what we hope to accomplish with our home! DGuy Ayers website.
Guy spent the better part of Wednesday measuring the entire house. We tried to find the original house plans, but the former owners did not have them, nor did the city. It is still a mystery whom actually designed it. No original plans meant that before he drew up anything, Guy had to start from scratch. We wanted to get the architect going as soon as possible because the permit process will take some time.

We had a visit from a landscape contractor to talk about removing all of the dead branches and crap around the property. It is truly an overgrown jungle at the moment! 

We also met with a solar specialist. Richard O’Connell of OCS ENERGY is known as the ‘off the grid guy’. Our south facing roof is perfect for solar so we are getting a quote on that.

We met with our arborist, Joe Borden of Britton Tree Service and went over the entire property. We are still looking for a landscape architect. We want a seamless flow from inside to outside with this home so a good landscape architect is key for that.

Michelle Egide

Michelle Egide

Welcome to The Napa Project, where I write about our five year remodel of a mid century home in Napa, California.

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