If A Tree Falls In The Forest…..

Guy is currently working on the architectural plans for the house so in the meantime we started right away on the trees. There are a ton of beautiful old oaks on the property and we want to keep as many as possible. Our arborist told us that approximately 3 trees had to be removed because they were dead or dying. The good news is that most of the oaks are in good shape but just haven’t been trimmed in a long time. There are a lot of dead branches and offshoots which makes the rest of the tree unhealthy.

A crew came out on Friday from Britton Tree Service to start work on the trees in the front.

Pretty amazing that these guys swing from the trees!

Today, the crew started work on the trees in the back of the house. This tree was hollow inside and needed to come down as it was in danger of falling down.

This is the one tree we took down purely because it was in the way. Sorry tree.

But the removal of the dead tree as well as this tree sure improved the northwest view!!!

Michelle Egide

Michelle Egide

Welcome to The Napa Project, where I write about our five year remodel of a mid century home in Napa, California.

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