The BIG GIANT fireplace

It’s finally April! About my previous post; Thanks for all your comments! I am a pretty personal person and am horrified when people air their dirty laundry on FB and the like. But that note just chapped my hide. And since this blog is about remodeling our mcm home – both the good and bad  – I felt the need to post about it.
Enough brooding about slopegate – Mad Men is back!
I have yet to do a post on our fireplace and how we turned it back into the GIANT fireplace.
This was taken right after we took ownership.

We hemmed and hawed about the red brick, but I actually love it. The fireplace had a woodstove insert. (full of ashes, of course). We both hated it. It just didn’t look right in this mid century home. And we both love a roaring fire.
These suckers weigh A LOT so we had to get some help having it removed.  It took 3 guys and a trolley.


It then sat by our front door while the home was being remodeled, until I cleaned it up and offered it for sale on Craigslist (you have to haul it yourself!). It sold pretty quickly.
This is what our fireplace looked like after the woodstove was removed.

The next step was getting it checked out. We weren’t holding out much hope that the chimney would be in good shape, but amazingly, it was! I could picture the roaring fires already.
I wasn’t even going to attempt to clean the black soot on the red brick, so we needed a door to hide it. Because of the large size of the fireplace, we had to get a door and screens custom made. We chose a glass with steel finish from Thermo-Rite. In spite of it taking forever to receive, it turned out quite nice.

We have had some wonderful fires over the winter, and now that warmer weather is upon us, we had probably our last roaring fire last night, while watching Mad Men.

Now THAT’S a fire!

We bought a stainless steel tool set to match from All Modern in a 20% off sale, pictured to the left.
So what did you think of Mad Men? I find the season openers to be a bit slow. I actually fell asleep towards the end so no spoilers!

Michelle Egide

Michelle Egide

Welcome to The Napa Project, where I write about our five year remodel of a mid century home in Napa, California.

10 thoughts on “The BIG GIANT fireplace

  1. Love it! And love the art above the fireplace. Is that a Rex Ray?

    I, too, fell asleep before the end of Mad Men. I thought it was slow as well. Everyone got a lot more hairy this season!

    1. Yep, that is Rex Ray. Canvas print purchased on I was a little disappointed in the vibrancy. Eventually I want a bright original of something there – when we can afford an original!
      Oh my, the hair! I immediately thought of my dad in the late 60’s. He had those enormous sideburns. And black framed glasses.

  2. fireplace looks really good. That crazy insert probably threw off a lot of heat but look horrible. Good move. I am glad you kept the brick. I know what you mean, it could have been a debate about keeping it, but seeing it with the fireplace it looks really good.

    I am ashamed to admit I have never seen Mad Men. I am thinking I need to get a little Netflix party going and at least check out season one…

  3. Love what you’ve done. It looks cozy but chic. How fashionable to watch Mad Men in a room, a house like this? I swear you’re making me entertain thoughts of moving back to the States. So much room in them their hills!

    Oh, just found this tumblr called Mid-Century Modern Freak and I’m going to bookmark it. I think the photos past and present of this style are incredible. Here’s the link:

    Have a great day!

  4. Just found your blog via Mid2Mod and absolutely love reading about your renovation! Such a beautiful, and obviously love-filled process! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Hey! First of all, let me wipe the drool off my face from staring at your home – I mean WOW. So beautiful, such a great space…amazing job.

      Anywho, I’d like to talk/email and maybe ask you some questions about contractors and updating a MCM place – I’d love to get your input a little more in depth. If you’re interested and willing, my email is – if not – no biggy – just thought I’d ask!


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