A little DIY project

I’ve not posted in awhile, the reason being I was sick with a cold. So exasperating. After boasting about not being sick for over 2 years, karma gave me a whopper. Then I snatched a bite of Shawn’s toast one morning and gave it to him. For 2 weeks, all I heard about was ‘the toast!’, ‘the toast!’ Yeesh, you would have thought I had given him typhoid.
Anyway, there has been much going on here at the Napa Project. So much so, that soon I may have to rename the blog, the ‘Napa Completed’, hehe. More posts to come soon, just wait until you see what we are doing with the back downslope!
For now, this was my little (sort of) DIY project. Our address plaque is finally up!

 I purchased the numbers from Design Within Reach $24.00 ea in Neutra (of course ;). Then we had a piece of oak wood cut at Home Depot. The address numbers come with a paper template that you place on the wood to mark where you need to drill the holes for each number (yes, this broad knows how to handle a drill ;). This was the most tedious part. Each number has 3 prongs that go into the holes so you have to be very exact or the numbers wont ‘pop’ in. (I messed up one, but I filled it up with wood caulk, drilled again and repainted.). I then painted the piece of wood the same color as our front door (BM Merlot Red).
I asked our landscape crew to cut off the excess metal prongs at the back of the wood plate. Then our contractor drilled them into the concrete pillar.
The numbers have half inch stoppers, which gives them a nice 3D effect. You can see from the side:

Our street is very dark at night as there are only a few street lights so we also installed a solar adresss light over the plaque.

Now, thankfully people will not get lost looking for our house!

BTW, I have a weird thing about numbers and their significance. I loved this address because of 6 and 7 –  ’67 is the year I was born. And if you add them all up – 18 is the day I was born.

Michelle Egide

Michelle Egide

Welcome to The Napa Project, where I write about our five year remodel of a mid century home in Napa, California.

7 thoughts on “A little DIY project

  1. Sexy numbers! Love how they’re featured and looking oh-so-modern and lit up. We ended up finding some numbers at home depot that were seriously cool and very modern. They are raised like these are and I love them. Would love to have splurged on the Neutra’s. Glad you did. They’re PERFECT! Great job.

  2. I love those Neutra numbers. It goes to show that even the smallest of projects is always a lot of work. The solar light up thing is a good idea too. I love our house number as well 718. Funny, huh?

    1. Yes, this did require some help. I did not have the equipment – or muscle – to drill into the columns! I thought the street address number was a good sign to buy the house 😉

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