Oh, the weather outside was frightful!

Finally, the sun!

We’ve had 3, count em, THREE major storms pass through N. California in the last week and a half and it has been blustery as all hell here up on the ridge. Despite that fact, there was less debris than we thought there would be, all due to our diligence getting all of the trees taken care of and trimmed after years of neglect.
I now have a chance to show the backsplash (and the new kitchen) that I actually designed myself from Susan Jablon and is now finally installed! I had never heard of the company until after hours of googling ceramic tile. I am happy to give them a plug because I am so pleased with the product.

The awesome light above the sink is from Rejuvenation

We really like the way it turned out!

We replaced the original Jenn-Aire cooktop with a new one. There is a small oven underneath it. The larger oven is pictured and has the microwave above it. Everything is electric, it would have been too costly to install gas and a hood etc.
I just love cooking in here! There’s tons of light with all the windows.

 And the view isn’t bad either 🙂
The large tv is still a bone of contention with me. But it’s a ‘guy thing’ (sigh).
 This is how it looked when we bought it:

I don’t think anything was original. The cupboards were pretty cheap looking and beat up. And the tile countertop was very dirty looking just because of the filthy grout, despite our best intentions to bleach it. Nothing really went together!

This was the condition of the oven from the lazy pos moocher caretaker that lived here ….yuck!
The ironic thing was that there was a full can of Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner in a cupboard only 3 feet away!!!
I immediately cleaned it, (it took all of an hour) – but we eventually ended up getting a new oven. 
Michelle Egide

Michelle Egide

Welcome to The Napa Project, where I write about our five year remodel of a mid century home in Napa, California.

12 thoughts on “Oh, the weather outside was frightful!

  1. Love your creation, Michelle! The tile turned out so great and it looks perfect in your kitchen with those awesome canisters and Catherine Holm bowl!!!! Pretty fabulous transformation. I must say I’m pretty amazed at how clean you go that oven but I’m sure it’s nice to have a new one.

    There’s nothing like having a new and updated kitchen to work in. If you’re like me, it’s a room you walk into each day and just think “IS THIS MINE”? Damn, I’m lucky!!! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Stacey! Frankly, I could not believe how someone could leave an oven that filthy (let alone cook in it!!!), so I had to show the world:) If you like the bowl, wait till you see our partition thingy I will be posting about. I went a little crazy on Etsy with Catherineholm, but they are so pretty and add nice pops of color!
      Lucky, yes! But after years of living in a condo with a very small kitchen, saving our pennies, and after all the hard work – ‘Damn, we deserve it!’

  2. I like the back splash a lot. And the bar stools are pretty great. You neglected to go on and on about horrible mint paint in the before pictures. How fast did you slap paint on that. YUCH. I don’t think that was ever in fashion. I like the white counter tops and the dark cabinets. And you have plenty of room to put out appliances. We don’t at all. So every time I want to make cookies or something I have to haul out the mixer. Not that it stops me. Have a great holiday!

  3. I love that- the kitchen is new but faithful to the style of the house (moreso than the previous one!). Love the backsplash- great color choices!

  4. OMG I have the same exact oven in my house. Mine looked way worse when I bought my house. You did a great job cleaning it, I didn’t know they could get so clean. Guess I will have to put some more elbow grease into it!

  5. Ah, really nice! Love the use of globe lights. We have the same old GE oven, except it doesn’t have a window– it just pretends to. 🙂

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