Plans Plans and more plans….

So it is that time when we are going over plans and then going over them again, both from our building architect and landscape architect. Making sure we like everything and that everything fits the way we want it to. Overall, it’s been a fun experience so far. I must admit that I have a hard time visualizing from a flat plan so the 3 dimensional drawings our architect has provided us have been really helpful!
We’re both newbies at this so having a house and landscape designed to our specific wants, tastes and desires is a dream come true!  The Napa planning commission have been very helpful when dealing with our architect’s enquiries. (This is not a shameless suck up- honest- they have been great so far!). Pretty soon, we will be able to submit plans. As we are planning to expand the shed, that requires a little more due diligence.
In the meantime, we bought a blow up bed and various necessities and decided to start staying overnight as much as we can before the hammers start.
First night in Napa was unbelievable. Having read about Carpe Diem as a great locals hangout, we decided to check it out. We sat at the bar and were immediately welcomed by Steve, the owner. When he found out we were moving to Napa DING DING – we got a bell ring. We felt special  (we’re so local and cool now!) Turns out one of the locals sitting next to me had done work in the city in Canada I was born in! Small world.

 The wine selection is great as well as Steve’s knowledge of all the wine he pours (great local offerings by the glass). The food is awesome – I love small plates and we tried the harissa fries to start and they were really good. They have an excellent selection of grilled flatbreads. We had ‘The Blue Pig’ which consists of brussel sprouts, applewood bacon, Point Reyes blue, carmelized onions, sliced Red Delicious apple and balsamic glaze. Delish!
It seemed the more we chatted with the locals, the more we drank, or should I say, my glass never seemed to be empty. Hmmm, I may be in serious trouble living here!!!
Waking up with a slight dizziness from the night before was quickly alleviated when my eyes gained their focus and I saw this view out our bedroom window:

Yeah, I could get used to this…

Michelle Egide

Michelle Egide

Welcome to The Napa Project, where I write about our five year remodel of a mid century home in Napa, California.

One thought on “Plans Plans and more plans….

  1. I think I could live in a tent if I had that view. Knowing that you’re going to have a spectacular mid-century home when this renovation is over must be thrilling!

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