Is here! Apologies to those who have not seen my new posts. I moved from Blogger to WordPress and getting the RSS feeds to ‘talk’ has been a nightmare. But I finally figured it out. Let me know how you like the new look! I have a lot of updating to do, I know, but […]
Author: Michelle Egide
Going Solar
In the summer of 2014, we had solar panelling installed. I was not keen on the idea at first. I was against spending the money, but Shawn was all in. The main factor that changed my mind was that it adds to the resale value if we ever decide to sell. I couldn’t wrap my head […]

We’re safe and sound
In the early hours (REALLY early) of Sunday morning we were violently shaken awake by a magnitude 6.1 earthquake here in Napa. I can’t begin to describe how utterly terrifying it was – made only worse by being half asleep! In between us both screaming, I remember looking down in the valley and seeing bright […]

Spring Updates Part 2
I’m finally getting around to posting some more updates. You have to forgive me, I got a new computer and I have switched to a iMac from Windows and trying to learn a whole new system as well as the programs in Mac has been frustrating/enlightening/time consuming!