I’m finally getting around to posting some more updates. You have to forgive me, I got a new computer and I have switched to a iMac from Windows and trying to learn a whole new system as well as the programs in Mac has been frustrating/enlightening/time consuming!
I’ve also been busy gardening:)
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Not too shabby considering my only knowledge is from reading Roses For Dummies! |
There is still ONE more update for the exterior:
The new wood fence.
Yep, that is a wood fence over the deer fence on the north side of our property. What is that saying – good fences make…something or other.
We used the same wood as we did for the cribbing under the decks (2×6 clear red cedar). It gives a nice backdrop to all of our growing plants:
Napa county only allows 6ft of solid fence and 2ft of lattice. I believe this is true in a lot of places. So that is what we did, but rather than a traditional lattice we used horizontal boards to give it a more modern look. It is the same clear red cedar, but our contractor milled it on site for us into 1×6 board. Again, thanks to the Houzz.com site for inspiration (below)
The fence ends at the BBQ area at the side of the house. Our pagoda/trelis makes a nice enough fence there.We lined the fence with English Laurels, which will get nice and big.
Our contractor had to get a wee bit creative with the tree, but I love what he did!
A flashback to the stone wall on the left. I dug through my photo archives so you can see what it used to look like.
We had this done a couple of years ago, but our stonemason put up a stones over the original wall so that it matched our driveway wall and walkways etc. Not to mention the beautiful plants we have growing now. That is a Japanese Maple, along with Camelias and oat grasses. Agapanthus line the walkway at the side of the house.
Interior wood paneling
This is coming along, so I will give you a sneak peak. So far all of the paneling has been replaced but there is still sanding, staining and trim to do. Except the old paneling was not really replaced. The easiest method was to put the new paneling over the old! The wood is white birch single sheet roll. The ‘single sheet roll’ is nicer (and more expensive) because it is one peel of the same tree so you get more uniformity.
The original paneling was discolored and full of nail holes.
Here is how it looked with the new and old beside each other.
And hallway completed.
I can’t tell you how much happier and brighter this hallway is! Not to mention the master bedroom but I will show that when it is more completed. We also painted the skylights white to match the ceiling paint. Shout out to Stacy at A Goode House as I noticed they did the same thing! It really makes a difference!
Ah yes, we also have been replacing all of the doors! To match the paneling, we used solid core white birch. I took the shot below, before the paneling was put in.
Come to think of it, Sunshine is totally photobombing me too!
They still have to be sanded and stained and then the fixtures can be installed. We are thinking of staining the doors slightly darker than the paneling and keeping the trim dark for some nice contrasts.
The master bathroom
When we went with a tankless water heater we had a new space behind the bathroom where the water heater used to be. We blew out that space to make a vanity area for me in the master bathroom. That bathroom wall was all cupboards, which I am going to dearly miss. My husband doesn’t seem to be as concerned about lack of storage space as I do, but he has assured me I will have PLENTY. (I really think he just wanted to move me and my hair dryer, curling irons, and makeup out of the way. Hmph)
Thank goodness we did get a tankless, because we discovered when we blew out the wall that the old metal water pipes were totally corroded and ready to burst!
The closet door also had to be taken out in the hallway
It has been drywalled and the floor has been put in since this picture was taken but it pretty much looks the same until the cabinets arrive.
So the inside of the house is a wee bit of an unfinished mess right now, but it is coming along!
I absolutely love your fence! I can’t believe how much you’ve done to your yard in such short time. It’s amazing. Everything is really looking great, inside and out.
Thanks, Dana! 2 years is a short time?!? It IS nice to see all the plants grown. When we first started, it was pretty bare!
Nice! Wonder at what point a lattice becomes a fence. If you had a gap of a half inch would that still be a lattice? Or does the gap need to match the height of the lattice? Looks like that is what you did.
You have to be able to see through it with an opening of at least 1 inch. We did a 2 inch gap and the lattice is 2 inches so it is nice and even. We took the Houzz picture of the fence we wanted down to the City of Napa just to doubly ensure this would be acceptable. It can be a little subjective 🙂
I love your new fence and hallway! We’re doing a lot of work on our mid-century ranch in south San Jose and your website has been wonderful for getting great ideas. Where did you get your new doors, ours are damaged and warping and it’s been tough to find nice replacements that keep the same look.
Thanks, glad to help! Our original doors were not solid, a little banged up, and pretty chintzy. We bought our new doors from Curtis and Sons in Petaluma. http://www.curtisandsonsdoor.com/. The paneling was purchased through Jeff the Eichler siding guy (great guy and company!). (eichlersiding.com).
Better late than never. I just caught this. Looking good. I like the fence especially. I know our fence law is 6 foot but haven’t checked into a lattice law. Good idea.
Not sure how I missed this one too, but the fence looks great! Is that tree very slow growing so it won’t eventually push out the fence?
I went through a similar design decision when doing the interiors on our house as well regarding the ceilings. We placed can lighting in the upstairs bedrooms and I wanted a ceiling fan but one that would be compatible with the look and feel of the house. I eventually figured out that doing all of it in white to match the ceiling color rather than contrast keeps the ceiling from visually coming down on you. Excited to see the finished results!